Modern Motherhood Musings

this generation of dads

You’re reading Modern Motherhood Musings, a weekly newsletter written from one mom to another. Each week I share an honest reflection on motherhood, and a collection of things bringing me joy. I’m passionate about community, and I hope that by sharing our stories, we all feel a little less alone.

📝 This week’s musing…

Earlier this week we had the dreaded middle of the night wake up from our son who had gotten sick in his bed…then down the hall…and again in our room.

My husband and I immediately popped out of bed and began to divide and conquer. He took Will to bathe and change, while I began cleaning the floor and washing the sheets. It was a wordless waltz that’s built from a rhythm of partnership in parenthood.

As I’m typing this, Brandon is reading our oldest a story and putting him to bed. This is after I ran some errands (completely alone 😯) while he picked up from dinner and played baseball outside with the boys.

Getting time with my oldest brother is nearly impossible these days between his involvement in baseball, soccer, Girl Scouts, and Boy Scouts, and my brother-in-law doesn’t even think twice about watching his three boys solo so that his wife can have a girls weekend.

And I don’t think this is something that is unique to my family.

My son had a class party this week and 2 of the 3 parent volunteers were dads.

At dinner with our friends recently, Will spilled food down the front of his shirt and my friend’s husband leaned over and wiped it off like it was second nature.

Our neighbor taught our kids to make pizza in his brick oven, patiently rolling out the dough with them, and I don’t go to any birthday party these days without seeing just as many dads as moms.

The list goes on and on.

My sons get to see a dad who is a partner. They watch him fold laundry, and wash dishes, and grocery shop, and I believe that what he and other millennial men are modeling for our children is going to have positive impacts for generations to come.

As someone with a very complicated relationship with my dad, and a family tree full of divorce, I find so much hope and comfort in this generation of dads.

They’re not afraid to show emotions. They’re being vulnerable and being vocal about their experiences in parenthood. They’re open to self-improvement in the name of being better men and better fathers.

I know our generation doesn’t do everything well, but one thing I’m confident in is this generation of dads. They’re not just showing up, but they’re all in.

A man holding a child in each of his arms

✨ Friday Favorites…

⛳️ We’re binge-watching Full Swing and if you love drama, sports, and documentaries, this is for you. The show does a great job portraying the different personalities of professional golf.

🍪 Have you ever had a craving for a warm chocolate chip cookie but didn’t want to make a whole batch? I know I do at least once a week! This two huge chocolate chip cookie recipe has got you covered!

🧖🏻‍♀️ I’ve been using this Self-Care Sunday face mask once a week and I swear my skin looks more plump and luminous when I wake up!

👯‍♀️ From one mom to another…

Your words of wisdom, best piece of advice, and favorite hacks can make a difference in another mom’s journey. What has helped you survive this season? Email me to be featured in an upcoming newsletter.

“If they’re fussing, get them outside or get them in water! Works every time.

Michelle W. - Dallas, TX

Thanks for reading this week’s edition of Modern Motherhood Musing!

Be reminded this weekend that Jesus love YOU - every messy, hard, complicated piece of your story, and there is nothing you can do that will make him love you any less.

Happy Easter!

xoxo, Briana

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