Modern Motherhood Musings

it's about the journey, not the destination

You’re reading Modern Motherhood Musings, a weekly newsletter written from one mom to another. Each week I share an honest reflection on motherhood, and a collection of things bringing me joy. I’m passionate about community, and I hope that by sharing our stories, we all feel a little less alone.

📝 This week’s musing…

Since the day my oldest son was born, my grandad has been itching to take him to a Texas A&M football game, and this fall we finally felt like he was old enough to go.

I was so nervous leading up to the game. I was anxious about traffic and parking, and stressed about walking through campus with masses of people. I wasn’t sure if all the noise would scare him or if we’d have to leave the game early, or how we’d manage the public restrooms, and what he’d eat at the stadium.

If there was something to worry about, you can bet it crossed my mind. I just wanted he and my grandad to have the best time.

While I white-knuckled my way towards our destination, Will looked out the window in wonder. “What kind of construction equipment did we just pass? What song are we listening to?”

At one point, we drove past a garden center filled with life-size statues of any animal you can think of, and Will was thrilled.

In his eyes, this was all exciting and new. He was on a roadtrip with mom and already having the best day of his life!

In that moment it hit me. I had been so focused on the end destination, that I failed to see the adventure in the journey.

As parents, we focus so much on the next milestone and the next season. Once they’re out of diapers. Once they’re done with bottles. Once they can walk, and talk, and dress themselves. Once they’re driving (gasp!).

I don’t want to spend my kid’s childhood so focused on the next chapter that I fail to miss the right here and right now. I want to remain rooted in the present - because through a child’s eyes even the mundane can be pretty magical.

A young child and his great-grandfather walkin hand in hand to a football stadium

Will and his great-grandad heading into his first college football game. Gig’em!

P.S. Will had an incredible time at the game. He ate all the snacks, learned to use binoculars, and cheered and clapped as loud as anyone in the stands!

✨ Friday Favorites…

🧼 When you’re changing diapers and washing your hands as often as we are, good smelling soap can feel like one of life’s little luxuries.

🐟 This brown sugar spiced salmon recipe is fast and flavorful. Pair it with some roasted veggies and rice for an easy weeknight meal.

🎙️ I think staying informed of current events is more important than ever. That’s why I love listening to The Daily podcast by The New York Times. Each 20-30 minute episode is a quick overview of the top news of the day.

👯‍♀️ Creating Community

Each week, the Creating Community section will feature either a question or challenge. The goal is to inspire you to build community, because we all need each other.

Challenge: With spring break coming up, I know a lot of us are going to be feeling stretched and stressed.

This week, your challenge is to make plans with another mom. Grab lunch, go for drinks, take a yoga class together!

Thanks for reading this week’s edition of Modern Motherhood Musing!

Happy Friday! I hope y’all have a great weekend!

xoxo, Briana

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