Modern Motherhood Musings

the beauty in remaining rooted

You’re reading Modern Motherhood Musings, a weekly newsletter written from one mom to another. Each week I share an honest reflection on motherhood, and a collection of things bringing me joy. I’m passionate about community, and I hope that by sharing our stories, we all feel a little less alone.

📝 This week’s musing…

A few years ago I attended a funeral that left a lasting impression. It was the funeral of a friend of my grandfather. They met in college and remained close for the rest of this man’s life.

Throughout the service, tribute after tribute poured in about how this man and his wife moved into the neighborhood as newlyweds and built their lives around the community. It was a beautiful legacy, and a wonderful lesson in remaining rooted.

His legacy and life were in such contrast to how we live these days - flocking to whatever is shiny and new, and fleeing from discomfort.

If our house starts to feel a little small, we start browsing Zillow for a bigger one. If our job starts to get a little boring, we start freshening up our resume. If the sermon at church didn’t make us “feel” anything one weekend, we’ll visit a new one the next.

Last Sunday, our neighbors invited us over for dinner. It had already been a long day, the kids had been a handful, and my initial instinct was to ask for a rain check, but we decided to say “yes”.

That night, the kids played and ate quesadillas around a coffee table, while the adults got to decompress and share some laughs over margaritas. There’s something beautiful about being able to walk down the street, show up just as you are, and be fed.

As we ate dinner, I looked around the room and realized how thankful I am for what we’ve gained by staying rooted. These roots sustained us when my son was in the NICU after he was born, and kept us going after my husband lost his job last year.

Roots anchor a plant. They’re the steady source of nutrients when it’s stressed, or has received too little or too much of what it needs. Strong roots are the only way for flowers to thrive.

But, roots don’t grow overnight or without discomfort. It’s taken staying put when I’ve been desperate to move, being vulnerable when I’ve been at my lowest, and asking for help when we’ve needed it most.

I love that my son can walk through the neighborhood and tell you who lives in each house that we pass.

I love to sit at church among multi-generational families who can tell stories about raising their kids and grandkids in those pews.

I love our Friday night ritual of Mexican food and margaritas at Los Tios, where the same waiter who has worked there for 25 years knows my kids by name.

I’m hopeful that if we continue to focus on nurturing the roots in our lives, there will be beauty that blooms.

two boys looking at a coral rose bush

Brandon planted this rose bush after we moved into our house, and season after season it continues to bloom.

Friday favorites…

🍉 I don’t drink a lot of soda, but I’m declaring the Watermelon Lime OLIPOP the drink of summer! It tastes like a jolly rancher in a can!

☀️ Speaking of summer, I bought these Crocs sandals last year and they’re the most comfortable shoe I own (although maybe not the trendiest). I just pulled them out again this week and remembered how much I love them.

🥁 Our 17-month-old goes to weekly music classes (recommended by friends of ours) and I’ve just seen him flourish. They have locations all over the world, so there might be one near you!

👯‍♀️ From one mom, to another…

Your words of wisdom, best piece of advice, and favorite hacks can make a difference in another mom’s journey. What has helped you survive this season? Email me to be featured in an upcoming newsletter.

Velcro puzzle pieces to their puzzle so that you can store them upright.

Courtney P. - Norfolk, VA

Thank you for reading this week’s edition of Modern Motherhood Musings.

Brandon and I are headed to Washington, DC this weekend to celebrate our 5th year wedding anniversary and hopefully catch the last of the Cherry Blossoms! If you have any DC recommendations, please reply and let me know!

Happy Friday, friends!

xoxo, Briana signature

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