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- The Greatest Gift We Can Give Our Children: Community
The Greatest Gift We Can Give Our Children: Community
Vol. 2, No. 51
You’re reading Modern Motherhood Musings, a weekly newsletter written from one mom to another. Each week I share an honest reflection on motherhood and a collection of things bringing me joy. Some links in this newsletter are affiliate links. This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, I may receive a small commission at no additional cost to you. Thank you for your support!

Earlier this week the U.S. Surgeon General release his parting prescription for what ails our nation. The Rx? Stronger community. Community, he says, is created through three separate elements - “connection with others through relationships, acts of service to help others, and a sense of purpose in life.”
We’re living and raising kids in an era that wants us to believe we can do everything on our own, and without that dreaded component of human contact - order food through an app, visit our doctor virtually, ride a driverless car to the airport.
We have everything we could ever need at the touch of a button, and all the connections we could ever want on the screen in the palm of our hand. We are taught to live in fear of others, attend Sunday worship with people who look like us, and only read news and listen to media that aligns with our beliefs.
And the truth is, there is so much our children are missing out on because of it.
When we’re in community we’re teaching our children valuable skills, like empathy, compassion, and vulnerability - how to lean on each other and how we’re stronger together.
Being in community allows our kids to see us serving others, helping that neighbor move a heavy piece of furniture, or running some extra diapers to your friend down the street so she doesn’t have to go to the grocery store late at night.
Being in community allows our kids to see us be vulnerable, by letting others into our house despite the scattered toys, dishes piled up, and unwashed hair.
Being in community allows our kids to listen and observe us having conversations with people who might share different thoughts or beliefs, but who we love and respect just the same.
We’re molding the character of future generations by modeling it ourselves.
Community is the thread that has saved my life season after season, and one I want my children to learn to value more than gold.
Community is the young pastor and his wife who invited me for coffee one day after I had visited numerous churches and walked in and out without anyone saying a single “hello”. I was living in a new city after college, and lonelier than ever.
Community is the meal train that was set up after our son was born 8 weeks early, and the support that sustained us throughout his NICU stay.
Community is the 4 a.m. text thread with other mom friends, to remind us that we’re not the only ones battling our children’s sleep issues.
Community is the sense of connection you feel when you go for a walk after dinner and stop to chat with neighbors you see playing in the front yard.
Community is being able to see the humanity in friends, family, and neighbors and know that at the end of the day, no matter how they vote, who they choose to love, or the color of their skin, they’re worthy of love, patience, compassion, and empathy.
In a world plagued with isolation, loneliness, and increased fear of others, the greatest gift we can give our children is the gift of a life rich with community.
At church this past Sunday our pastor shared an old African proverb that says “If you want go fast, go alone; if you want to go far, go together.”
Let’s be people who choose to go far.

📺 If you’re looking for a feel-good show with plenty of heartwarming moments, we just finished watching A Man on The Inside and my husband and I both loved it!
📘 I started Anxious People last week and couldn’t put it down. It’s full of quirky characters and over the top scenarios, but deep reflections on humanity. Fredrik Backman is an incredibly talented author.
🍽️ If eating more fish is one of your New Year’s resolutions, you need to try this Spanish Inspired simmered white fish. We ate it with a baguette to soak up all the delicious broth.

In 2025, I want to help you feel more confident using AI to make your daily life easier. From meal planning ideas to quick bedtime stories, these prompts will save you time and help provide solutions to common parenting challenges.
Copy the prompt below and paste it into your favorite AI tool (like ChatGPT). Make sure to adjust it to fit your needs.
Parenting Challenge: Coming up with a week’s worth of school lunch ideas.
Prompt: My 4-year-old son goes to school five days a week, and I need to pack a lunch and snack for him every day. He uses a bento-style lunchbox with four compartments and a separate snack container with two compartments. His meals should be healthy, easy to eat, and safe, avoiding any choking hazards. He has no food allergies or dietary restrictions. Please suggest a week’s worth of lunch and snack ideas.
Example Response: The response below came directly from the free version of ChatGPT.
Monday Lunch:
Compartment 1: Turkey and cheese roll-ups (small bite-sized pieces)
Compartment 2: Carrot sticks with hummus for dipping
Compartment 3: Apple slices (peeled if needed)
Compartment 4: Whole-grain crackers
Compartment 1: Sliced strawberries
Compartment 2: Yogurt bites
Happy Friday, Friends! I hope you all have a great weekend!

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